Ayush's Blog

  • Salad Recipe

  • Mushroom Maggi Recipe

    Ingredients You will need the following ingredients for this recipe: Onion (1) Garlic (2 cloves) Beans (half cup) Mushrooms (1 cup) Salt to taste Maggi Masala Maggi Noodles Instructions Heat the oil in a pan and saute the onion and garlic until they are golden brown. Add mushrooms and beans...

  • Design a Parking

    This is a frequent interview question asked at companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft etc. The question allows the interviewer to judge the interviewee on their low level design skills and even check their coding skills if required. Note that NOT all design principles are correct at all times. For eg,...

  • Financial Journey

    Journey to financial freedom Aim Able to generate passive livable income asap. Invest in things we understand - legality and tax considerations especially. Always keep enough liquid money to not feel poor. Definitions of poor vary person to person. For me, it’s when I don’t REQUIRE to think when wanting...

  • Pain Of Kidney Stones

    After a month long painful experience, I am back to my laptop to write about this. On Dec 01, I had excruciating pain at 06:30 AM. Can not forget the time and date ever. It felt like the stomach had a rupture or something. I guess what makes this pain...

  • Github Graphql Repository For Organization

    GraphQl query to get all repos for an organization is: { organization(login: ORGANIZATION_NAME) { repositories(first: 100, privacy: PRIVATE, orderBy: {field: CREATED_AT, direction: ASC}) { edges { node { name description diskUsage url sshUrl isFork isPrivate } cursor } } } } Check repository fields to check what all more fields...

  • Equal Sum Subset Partition Problem

    Problem is as specified on LeetCode - Partition Equal Subset Sum Requirements Array needs to be partitioned into two. Both parts should have equal sum. Approach 1. Each partition’s sum will be half of total Notice that, since we need only two partitions with equal sum, the sum of each...

  • Git Tips

    1. Create Github gists from terminal Use Homebrew to install gist. brew install gist gist --login to give OAuth access to the application so that it can create gists on your behalf. Otherwise it creates anonymous gists. Now read the documentation via gist -h and use it according to what...

  • Core Data Tips

    1. Notes Three types of concurrency available for NSManagedObjectContext Main thread linked to UI (NSMainQueueConcurrencyType) Private queue for background tasks (NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType) Confinement for legacy (NSConfinementConcurrencyType) used with serialised dispatch_queue or NSOperationQueue with max concurrency one harder to manage To simplify usage of Core Data APIs, use NSMainQueueConcurrencyType View controllers and...

  • Skipping Posts In Jekyll Feed

    Problem: I needed a place to host simple pages when necessary for my personal apps. Like a privacy policy for my app. I don’t want to show it as a part of my blog (for obvious reasons). Solution: What I essentially need is a filter on all my posts to...